Please make checks payable to Welcome Home Housing and send to:
Welcome Home Housing
Box 161526
Sacramento CA 95816-1526
Are you a current or retired California state employee? Consider making a regular donation by payroll or pension deduction using the California State Employees Charitable Campaign (CSECC). Our Agency Code is 18685.00.
Are you required to take a distribution from your IRA? Why pay taxes on it! The Federal Government is allowing those over the age of 70 1/2 to take the required distribution from their IRA and not pay taxes on it. HOW? If you donate the total amount or part of the distribution to a qualified 501(c)(3) charitable organization, you do not have to pay taxes on the amount you donate. You probably donate to charities normally anyway, so take advantage of this opportunity and donate to Welcome Home Housing. Please check with your financial advisor or tax consultant for additional information. When you decide to donate this way, please send us a note telling us. Unfortunately, when we receive the checks from an IRA, there is no identifying donor name on it. We want to acknowledge your generosity.
Please contact us for further information.