Residential Housing

We currently manage five homes. Two homes for women only and two homes for men only are located in the Rosemont area of Sacramento near Watt and Folsom Blvd. Our newest home is co-ed and is located in Rancho Cordova. The homes accommodate 4 to 6 residents depending on location. All homes are within walking distance of the light rail or a bus line.

Our fees include rent, food, utilities, furnishings, linens, and all services. Residents must meet the following requirements:

  • They must have a diagnosed mental illness.
  • They must sign and agree to abide by our Program Agreement.
  • They must be able to manage and take their own medications as prescribed by their doctors.
  • They must be drug and alcohol free.
  • They must be able to integrate into a shared housing setting with minimal on site support.
  • They are expected to learn how to share in the cooking and cleaning of the house. We provide mentors for those who don't know how.

We provide the following services to our residents:

  • We teach them how to make a menu plan for the week, create a shopping list from it, and to shop within the budget allowed.
  • We provide mentors/cooking coaches for those who need help in preparing a meal.
  • We teach them life skills including house cleaning, use of public transportation, social skills, etc.
  • We provide fun opportunities outside the house such as going to the State Fair, Sacramento State football games, and the Camellia Symphony.
  • We provide a Mental Health Worker who helps the residents plan weekly menus and shopping lists. She takes them shopping, teaches budgeting, and assists them in solving concerns and problems that they may face.
  • We advocate for the resident with doctors, social workers, and others when needed.